Over the past few years, Chickapig has been partnering with the Virginia Institute of Autism by teaching the kids how to play the game. Many of the students at VIA have thoroughly enjoyed playing Chickapig and teachers have noticed a significant positive effect in the children. The Faison Center, a national non-profit educational and treatment center providing autism services to individuals and families impacted, took note of how effective the game has been at VIA and they’re currently conducting research to study how the game may be used as a vehicle to improve social skills of children and young adults with autism and other developmental disabilities.
Chickapig board game is having a positive influence on students at the Virginia Institute of Autism and other area schools. NBC29 WVIR
“The students and staff enjoy playing the game so much that our clinical team wanted to develop protocols to research how the game may benefit individuals on the autism spectrum.”
Chickapig has become very popular in local schools in Charlottesville— Chickapig game clubs have cropped up at several local schools. In response, Chickapig has donated over 100 custom game boards to local area schools and non-profit organizations. With the release of the new Chickapig Book, Little Joe Chickapig, over 1400 books have been donated to every public elementary school and public library in Virginia, the author’s home state.
Chickapig participates in the annual FarmAid concert and has helped to raise over $40,000 for the organization that supports family farmers.
Chickapig has established the Chicka-Fund at the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation (CACF) to benefit a wide range of causes including children, autism and farming.